This small group season runs from September 11 – November 20
- For the past six Sundays we have walked through the book of Malachi. The main point of the book is: God is a God of restoration. For the people in Malachi’s day, what was God seeking to restore? What are the implications from Malachi for us today?
- God is a seeking God. He continually invites us into his plans and to his presence. Sometimes people miss God’s invitation because they have insufficient views of God. What types of misconceptions about God’s character have you encountered? (From the sermon, God as a vending machine and God as resident policeman/killjoy were examples used).
- Read Malachi 1:2 and John 3:16-18. How has God loved you?
- You will never do God’s will if your will takes priority. What are some things that need to change in your life to elevate God’s priorities above your own?