This Life Group season runs from September 10 – December 10.
- Romans 12:1-2 was the text this week. The contrast is conforming to the world (present age) versus being transformed by the renewing of your mind. What are some ways that you see this contrast play out in the world today?
- As followers of Jesus, sometimes we can fall prey to two problems. First, we fail to rely on the Holy Spirit. Second, we forget the promises of God. How much do you consciously rely on the Holy Spirit?
For the rest of your time together you will be asked to dwell on some promises about the Holy Spirit. - The Holy Spirit gives us victory over sin and death, and leads us to salvation in Christ. Read Romans 8:1-2, 14-16; John 16:7-11. How have you witnessed the Holy Spirit giving this victory to you or others you know?
- The Holy Spirit provides the ability to share Jesus and also to stand up with conviction when our faith in Christ is challenged. Read Mark 13:9-11; Luke 12:11-12; Acts 1:8; Romans 8:26-27. Sharing, praying, and defending seem like different things – what work is the Spirit doing in us that ties these things together?
- The Spirit gives us gifts to use among God’s people, fruit that demonstrates maturity, and unity that makes us one in spirit and mission. Read Ephesians 3:16-19; Galatians 5:22-26. How does our response to the Holy Spirit (individually and as a people) reveal who God is to the world around us?