This Life Group season runs from February 2 – April 6, 2025.
- Let’s begin with some definitions. First, Disciple: A person who follows Jesus and becomes like him. Obviously you could write a book on what this means. So give it a try. If you used this definition as a book title, what would the major chapter titles be?
- Now let’s go to the next level. What is “maturity” generally? What does it mean when applied to following Jesus?
- Read John 15:9-17. What words does Jesus use here that tell us what a mature disciple looks like?
- In your walk with Christ, what have been some moments where you needed another disciple to help you follow Jesus better?
- As you have followed Jesus, what have been the most maturity enhancing moments you have faced?
- Read Luke 6:40. If you take Jesus at his word here, what are the good things that could result in your life? Pray for these things together.
Values Mentioned on Sunday (for this Sermon Series)
- As long as I follow Jesus I can always grow more. (Luke 6:40)
- God has been completely hospitable to me through Jesus, as a disciple I desire to be just as hospitable. (Luke 7:44-46)
- I believe God will act in the world when I pray, often beyond my expectations. (Matthew 26:29)
- I do not fear the world, questions about truth and reality should be asked and answered truthfully. (1 Thess. 2:13)
- The next generation needs to be taught the truth. (Ps 145:4 & Ephesians 4:12-13)