This Life Group season runs from February 2 – April 6, 2025.
This week’s value: God has been completely hospitable to me through Jesus, as a disciple I desire to be just as hospitable.
- How has God been hospitable to you?
- What verses come to your mind that express God’s hospitality to you?
- What does good hospitality look like in your home? How does that translate to what hospitality should look like from God’s people (the church)?
- Take a look at Luke 8:1-3. How did the hospitality of Jesus affect the lives of the women mentioned in this passage?
- Jesus is God, so the means for his needs could have come from many sources, yet it came largely from these women. How did their response to Jesus’ hospitality affect the reach of the Kingdom of God (then and now)?
- These women did not provide for the disciples’ needs to gain Jesus’ affection, they gave because Jesus had healed or helped them. Jesus loves you and died to save you. How does that fact affect your hospitality to those who are far from God?
Resources mentioned Sunday: Church Engagement: 5 Reasons It Drives Church Growth
Values Mentioned on Sunday (for this Sermon Series)
- As long as I follow Jesus I can always grow more. (Luke 6:40)
- God has been completely hospitable to me through Jesus, as a disciple I desire to be just as hospitable. (Luke 7:44-46; 1 Peter 4:9-10)
- I believe God will act in the world when I pray, often beyond my expectations. (Matthew 26:29)
- I do not fear the world, questions about truth and reality should be asked and answered truthfully. (1 Thess. 2:13)
- The next generation needs to be taught the truth. (Ps 145:4 & Ephesians 4:12-13)