Evan Westburg
Senior Pastor
Pastor Evan is a Lincoln native. A graduate of North Park University (Chicago) and Regent College (Vancouver, Canada), Evan has served in college, hospital, and church settings (youth, associate, and senior pastor). Evan was ordained in the Evangelical Covenant Church in 2016.
Evan is married to Stephanie and has three kids. He enjoys hiking, reading, drinking coffee, baking, auto racing (any kind), and the occasional video game.

Dr. Garrett Hope
Director of Worship
As a Colorado native, Dr. Garrett Hope, spent his vacations at Covenant Heights Bible Camp and spending time in the mountains. He was heavily involved in the music and worship leadership of his home church, Christ Community Covenant Church. In 2011 Garrett graduated from UNL with a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in music composition.
Garrett is an active composer of concert & film music, public speaker, podcaster, business owner, and teacher. He enjoys living in Lincoln with his wife and daughter.

Rhonda Hotchkiss
Office Manager
After obtaining an Associate of Applied Science degree at Southeast Community College, Rhonda has spent most of her adult life in Lincoln.
Rhonda has 6 grandchildren and spends most of her free time with them. She also enjoys reading and attending concerts.

Mark Schwarting
Associate Pastor Intern
Mark grew up in Northeast Nebraska and has lived in Lincoln for 35 years. He has worked for the last 46 years as a Software Engineer. He has a degree from UNO in Electrical Engineering Technology, studied for 2 years at Nebraska Christian College, and is currently a junior at Nebraska Wesleyan University majoring in Religion and Philosophy.
He is married to Dr. Catherine Nelson, a professor of Modern Languages at Nebraska Wesleyan. He has 3 sons and six grandchildren from a previous marriage, along with two step daughters.
He enjoys studying the bible, trips to Spain with his wife, playing guitar, tennis, cycling, and antique tractors.
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✓ We are disciples who make disciples.
We have been in Lincoln since 1892. First Covenant is a part of the Evangelical Covenant Church which unites around six Biblical affirmations (below).
1. The Centrality of the Word of God
We believe that the Bible, the Old and New Testament, is the word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Psalm 19:7-11; Hebrews 4:12; Isaiah 55:11).
2. The Necessity of New Birth
God desires a relationship with us. We believe that only comes by committing ourselves to Jesus Christ and receiving forgiveness, acceptance, and eternal live. Salvation is only found through Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 10:9-10).
3. A Commitment to the Whole Mission of the Church
We believe that our faith in Jesus Christ is to be shared in word and deed. We follow Christ’s two central calls: The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40). We seek to make disciples and we seek to share in God’s mission to love our neighbor here and around the world. (Acts 1:8; Micah 6:8; Colossians 1:28; Matthew 10:39).
4. The Church as Fellowship of Believers
Membership in the Covenant Church is by confession of personal faith in Jesus Christ and is open to all who make this confession. We observe the Sacraments of Baptism (infant and believer) and Communion. We believe in the priesthood of all believers which means we affirm the call of God on both men and women in church ministry at all levels. (Galatians 3:28; 1 Peter 2:9; Ephesians 4:11-16; Hebrews 10:24-25).
5. Conscious Dependence on the Holy Spirit
We hold a trinitarian understanding of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (nicely in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds). We believe the Holy Spirit instills in us a desire to turn to Christ and also gives us gifts to continue Christ’s mission in the world. (Ephesians 3:16-19; John 15:5).
6. The Reality of Freedom in Christ We are a grace-filled people.
We live under the authority of God’s Word and we value right relationship as God’s people. United in Christ, we offer freedom to differ on issues of belief and practice where the biblical and historical record seems to allow a variety of interpretations. In that freedom, our conversations are always centered around the question: Where is it written? We are people of the book. (Romans 12:1-2; Galatians 5:1, 13; 1 Corinthians 9:19).

First Time at First Cov?
✓ Common Questions Answered
At First Covenant, we exist for God’s glory. A typical service may include modern worship songs or hymns with a band. We use the gifts God has given us to worship in Spirit and in truth. Our attire is casual.
Parking is available in our lot or on “L” street. There are marked handicap parking spots available and we have a lift (like an elevator) for all-weather access to the entire building. Use the office entrance to access the lift.
Nursery care is offered during worship and is located on the main level (same level as the Sanctuary).
Kids Welcome
We think children are great and believe families should be able to worship together. Activity bags are available near the Welcome Center and we try to add kid-engaging components to the worship service regularly (such as children’s sermons, activity pages, prizes).
We offer Children’s Worship for children ages 3 to grade 2. On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month children are invited to Children’s Worship after the offering. After the offering, a leader will stand at the back ready to lead the children to their class area. This is a time when children can learn about what it means to worship God through teaching and active play. Children may be picked up on the lower level after worship.
We receive communion on the first Sunday of the month. The table is open to all believers. If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, you are welcome to receive communion at First Covenant.
Hearing Loop
For in-person worship, switch your hearing device to T-coil mode for full sound (main-level of sanctuary only).