This Life Group season runs from April 7-May 26, 2024
Last week we looked at three New Testament images of the atonement: Sacrifice/Holiness/Cleansing, Change in Loyalty, and Redemption/Legal. Let’s look at two more images this week.
- Liberation/Freedom. Read John 8:31-38. What is the relationship between the teaching of Jesus and the truth?
- In what way does the truth provide freedom?
- In this passage, those who challenge Jesus miss his point, they are deceived into believing they are living freely when they are not. In what ways can someone be deceived by in believing they are free when they are actually slaves to sin?
- As a refreshing reminder of our liberation in Jesus, read Romans 6:6-7. Just enjoy the passage. Thank God for freedom in Christ!
- Victory. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 & Hebrews 2:14-15. Over what powers is Jesus victorious?
- What effect does Jesus’ victory have in this life?
- Read 1 Corinthians 15:51-56. What promises are still to be fulfilled by Jesus’ victory in the life to come?
- How can you thank God this week for the freedom and victory you have in Christ?
Resources about Jesus Rising from the Dead
Here’s a short list to get you started on confirming Romans 10:9-10.
- Stand to Reason Ministries
- Mike Licona
- The Case for Christ
- J Warner Wallace
- NT Wright
- Come Reason Ministries