This Life Group season runs from September 15 – December 8, 2024.

**These are the final Life Group questions for this season. The next season begins February 2, 2025. Find a time for service and fellowship between now and the next season.**
- True or false. It is acceptable to listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving?
- Let’s talk about preparation and fulfillment. Read Philippians 1:3-11. God began a good work in the church at Philippi. What is Paul talking about?
- Paul’s affection for this church seems to grow in spite of distance and adversity. What elements do you see in the text that can increase Paul’s love for the Philippian church?
- How does adversity (being in prison) increase that love and longing? How has adversity increased your faith in Jesus Christ?
- Paul’s hope is that the Philippians would be filled with the fruit of righteousness. What does he mean? In what ways have you or disciples you know evidenced the fruit of righteousness?
- The Christmas season is one of family and friends. How can you take Paul’s approach to the Philippians and pray for those you love to know Christ be filled with the fruit of righteousness?