This Life Group season runs from February 4 – March 24, 2024.
This week the baptism, temptation and call of Jesus were in view (Mark 1:9-15). Mark gave few details, however, on most of those moments. Let’s look at the temptation of Jesus in Luke and consider two things: Temptation and the Holy Spirit.
- Read Luke 4:1-13. Why do you think Jesus went into the wilderness and fasted for 40-days? (Bonus: What’s the longest you’ve fasted and how did it go?)
- The three temptation revolve around physical needs (food), glory and power, and timing (mine or God’s). How did Jesus respond to each of these temptations?
- Where is the Holy Spirit in this passage and how does the Spirit work in and around Jesus?
- How has the Holy Spirit worked in you when you have faced temptation?
- Jesus used Scripture to resist temptation and live in Spirit and truth. What Scripture can you share that is encouraging you today?