This Life Group season runs from February 4 – March 24, 2024.
- This Sunday we looked at John 3:14-21 which includes a very familiar passage, but we completely skipped Jesus and his conversation with Nicodemus. That’s your job now! Read John 3:1-15. Scholars are not unified in their assessment about what Jesus says about water, but being born again (or “born from above”) is clearly the main point of Jesus’ statement. What does Jesus mean by “born again?”
- What prevents Nicodemus from understanding the full meaning of what Jesus says here? What does Jesus say Nicodemus needs into order to understand?
- We should commend Nicodemus for being interested in the Kingdom of God and things eternal. How much do you think about the Kingdom and eternal life?
- In 1 Timothy 1:12, Paul instructs Timothy to “take hold of eternal life.” When we look to Jesus we begin that eternal life. While the best part of eternal life is yet to come, It begins with following Jesus. Practically speaking, how are you experiencing eternal life today?
- Bonus question: Besides NFL Football games, name an unexpected place where you have seen John 3:16 displayed.