This Life Group season runs from February 4 – March 24, 2024.
- In this week’s text, Jesus said that unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself. Jesus gave himself as a servant to us; we are to give ourselves as servants in response to him. Take a deeper look at this theme of servanthood by reading Romans 6:1-11.
- When we say ”yes” to Jesus, we say “no” to anything contrary to God’s will and character (aka sin). What is the relationship between sin and grace that Paul is making in verse 1?
- Death no longer rules over Jesus. If we are in Christ, death no longer rules over us either. How does that reality inform your hope?
- In Christ we are called to put off the old self and to be raised with Christ (now and later). What challenges do believers face as they seek to live this way?
- How have you experienced the Holy Spirit’s help as you put off the old self?
- One of the primary responses to being made alive with Christ is taking on the nature of a servant. What does that mean? What joy have you experienced in being a servant of Christ?