This Life Group season runs from February 4 – March 24, 2024.
- Psalm 69 is used in a number of places in the New Testament. It was referenced on Sunday (John 2:17). Let’s look at a couple of instances and see how God’s promises are fulfilled in Jesus and in us as we follow him. Let’s begin with Romans 15:1-6. What is the purpose of pointing to Psalm 69 in this verse?
- How does our endurance in Christ make us more like him?
- Next read John 15:18-27. While our salvation in Jesus is given freely, there is a “cost” to following him. What does this passage say about difficulties we may face in following Jesus? How have you experienced difficulty as a result of being his disciple?
- What is the promise of John 15? How does that promise outweigh the “cost” of following?
- Read all of Psalm 69. This Psalm is considered Messianic; it points to the Messiah. Where do you see promises in this passage that Jesus fulfilled in his life and ministry? What is a word of encouragement you take away from this Psalm?