This Life Group season runs from April 7-May 26, 2024
This week a main theme was meekness. The one who is meek is self-controlled, but also self-aware. They are able to look into their own lives and ask the Holy Spirit to help root out sin and all that is not righteous. Let’s look at two passages in an effort to be more meek.
- Read Ephesians 2:1-20. There are many actions and activities we can participate in that are ungodly – they displease God and make us less like God. Paul lists a number of these activities. According to Paul, why are these activities ungodly?
- How self-aware are those who live in darkness?
- What is the difference in character between those living in darkness vs. those living in light?
- Now look at James 1:19-27. The life of darkness is a life of deceit. James highlights this in the example of the mirror. How could a person be blinded to their own ungodliness, according to James? What correctives do both James and Paul provide to this problem?
- What does it look like to be a part of a community of the meek? What kind of church body does that create?