This Life Group season runs from April 7-May 26, 2024.
In this series we have tackled some tough topics. Behind the issues of anger, name-calling, adultery, and lust is the condition of your heart. At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks to this issue. Read Matthew 7:24-27.
- In a real building, what happens if the foundation is poorly constructed or built on ground that is not firm?
- Jesus uses the terms “wise” and “foolish” to describe the two people in this parable. What are the qualities of the wise vs. the foolish person?
- Think of some wise people you know or have known. How have they demonstrated to you a faith that can weather the wind and rain that comes in this life?
- What have you learned from these people that has helped you build a firm foundation?
- When Jesus was tempted in the desert he showed his character and resisted temptation by using Scripture. What Scripture(s) have been most important to you in creating a firm foundation in Jesus Christ?