This Life Group season runs from September 15 – December 8, 2024.

- Begin by reading Jesus’ words in Luke 5:31-32. Now read the whole section (Luke 5:27-32) with this question in mind: Who needs a doctor in this passage? Why do these people need a doctor, what makes them spiritually unwell?
- Jesus had a tendency to shock people. From our safe vantage point today, we are sometimes unmoved by what Jesus said. When was the last time you read the words of Jesus and thought “I am spiritually unwell. I need to change”? (Important follow up: Did you change?)
- Levi/Matthew was able to make the decision to follow Jesus. The Pharisees and teachers of the law did not choose Jesus. What reasons might be given for why the Pharisees and teachers responded negatively to Jesus?
- There are many today around us who are spiritually sick. What causes spiritual sickness? What does Dr. Jesus provide that heals those who are spiritually sick?
- Levi threw a banquet to share the good news with Jesus. His fellow tax collectors were obviously willing to participate. In what way can your own story of calling on Dr. Jesus for healing be used to connect with people you know who are far from God?