This Life Group season runs from September 10 – December 10.
- What is a wise word you received in life that you still use to this day? Who gave you that advice?
- We spent time in Proverbs this week. Take some time to read Proverbs 3:1-12. What does this passage tell us about the source of wisdom?
- Verses 5-6 remind us that we can easily rely on our own knowledge when God is giving us his wisdom for living. We used Hannah, Eli, and Samuel as Biblical examples this week of what happens when we lean into God or away from God.
Make a list of other Biblical examples that show the danger of leaning away from God, or the benefit of leaning on God. - Based on the Proverbs and Biblical stories you’ve shared, what are the benefits of trusting the Lord with all your heart? How have you personally experienced some of the benefits of leaning on God?
- Take a little time to answer this question and then pray together: How goes your walk with Christ this week?