This Life Group season runs from September 15 – December 8, 2024.
- Name a time when God did something really big that gave you confidence in His character.
- Read 1 Kings 19:1-9. After experiencing the high point of his prophetic career (1 Kings 18:20-46) Elijah is now on the run. He is doubtful, scared, and discouraged. What does it do to a person’s faith when they are “punished” for being faithful, honest, and truthful?
- A vibrant faith in Jesus can still experience doubt. Have you experienced moments of doubt like Elijah? How did you deal with these moments of doubt?
- How does God encourage and strengthen Elijah for the journey ahead? How do you think God’s actions here improve Elijah’s trust in God?
- In the New Testament we read of the Disciples experiencing doubt, especially after the death of Jesus. Jesus gives them hope however through he resurrection. Read Luke 24:36-49. How does Jesus help the disciples in their time of doubt?
- How do Jesus’ words and actions provide confidence for your walk with Jesus?