This small group season runs from March 26 – May 21.
- This week the theme was: Jesus has a vision to bring us peace. Here is a list of a number of New Testament references to peace. Take turns reading them all before answering the questions below. Feel free to a allow 3-5 seconds of space between reading each verse.
- How does it make you feel to hear these verses? What is comforting? What is unsettling?
- There are more verses on peace in the New Testament (we didn’t even get to the verse in the larger Testament). What do you learn about the God’s value for peace from these verses?
- Peace is not always achieved in the most peaceful way. Is it possible to be a peaceful people without dealing with important and weighty matters (some of which may stir up conflict)? How do we work to be a people of peace?
- How can these verses guide your prayer life this week?