This small group season runs from January 15 – March 5.
Take a look at 1 Peter 2-10. Let’s take some time to consider how God’s character is to be reflected among God’s people.
1) Verse 10 speaks of God’s mercy. What are some ways you, or those close to you, have experienced God’s mercy? How easy is it for you to show that same mercy to others?
2) What is the connection between mercy and the sins outlined in verse 1? Why are those sins so destructive to the spiritual house that God creates with Christ-followers?
3) Peter talks of craving “pure spiritual milk” in verse 2. How would you describe what “pure spiritual milk” is to another believer? What are some practical ways that you have found to increase your appetite for this nourishing milk?
4) Since this passage is written to the Church, take some time to analyze: How have we at First Covenant built our community on Jesus as the cornerstone? Where is there still area for improvement?