This small group season runs from January 15 – March 5.
- Take a look at the benediction of Book IV of the Psalms (Psalm 106), particularly verses 1-5. What reasons did Israel have to give thanks and praise to the Lord? (Skim the rest of the Psalm for ideas)
- Read Psalm 106:13-15. The people tested God after He delivered them from generations of slavery in Egypt. What did God’s patience look like as he dealt with his people?
- Verses 19-20 are descriptive, showing one moment where the people turned their backs on God, who had been consistently faithful towards them. Why do you think they would act this way towards God? Are there ways that we do the exact same thing to God even today?
- What reasons do you have to praise and thank God for his faithfulness to you?
- Psalms are not just for persons but for the people. What reasons do we as a church have to praise and thank God for his faithfulness?