This small group season runs from January 15 – March 5.
- John 11:35 is a powerful verse: Jesus wept. In the sermon, there were a few different reasons proposed as to why Jesus wept. Jesus weeping encapsulates so much about the incarnation. This week, let’s consider a few implications of the incarnation for our world and our own lives.
- For reference, here is a definition of incarnation: “Literally, “in flesh”; theologically, the doctrine that in Jesus of Nazareth God took on human flesh and became the divine God-man”*
- Mary and Martha were disillusioned with what happened to their brother Lazarus. Jesus didn’t heal him. Discuss some experiences you have had where what people expected in life did not match reality. Specifically, think of moments where people either blamed God, or wondered where God was. How much do you resonate with their reactions and emotions?
- Read John 1:11. For someone who is looking for God or wondering where God is, what is the significance of Jesus, that is, God coming in the flesh?
- John 11:35 (and surrounding verses) pack a lot of emotion. Was Jesus expressing genuine, human emotion in this verse? What’s your take, why did Jesus weep?
- Do you think Jesus weeps over the brokenness of his good world? How does Jesus’ incarnation bring a remedy to that brokenness?
- Read Hebrews 13:11-16. What is Jesus doing in these verses? What response is called for from humans? How does this address the brokenness caused by sin in the world?
*Grant R. Osborne, “Incarnation,” in Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1988), 1025.