This small group season runs from September 11 – November 20.
- We say each week in worship that we are disciples who make disciples. Part of that mission means supporting one another through highs and lows in life. In what ways are we set up to do that well as a church?
- Read Job 19:25-27. This is a tough passage with lots of hope. Job yearns/longs to see God. There might be many ways one can yearn for God’s presence. Can you name a time when you have longed for God’s presence (or watched someone else long for God’s presence)? What is it like to seek God in this way?
- Some people don’t long for God or put their hope in him because they don’t know what He has promised. If you had 30-60 seconds to tell someone about God’s promises, what would you say?
- Read Psalm 86:11-13. If we yearn for God’s presence, we must seek to know what he has promised. How can this passage encourage you to understand God’s promises better?