This small group season runs from September 11 – November 20.
- How would you explain baptism to a seven year old?
- Have you been baptized? If baptized as a believer, what led you to be baptized? If baptized as an infant, how were you able to live into those vows promised on your behalf?
- One of our baptismal vows is this: Proclaiming this covenant with Jesus Christ, do you renounce all the powers of evil and declare your opposition to a way of life in contradiction to the gospel?
- What’s your take, how can we continue to improve as the church in living that commitment and teaching it to the next generation?
- Read Ephesians 4:1-7. Baptism is only one component of maintaining the Spirit of unity and the bond of peace. What other elements come after baptism, allowing us to live into that unity and peace?