This small group season runs from March 26 – May 21.
- What do you like about your small group?
- Read Exodus 17:1-7. Take a look through Exodus up until this moment. Make a list of all the ways God has been faithful and delivered his people up until this point.
- If God has been this faithful to his people, how do you think the developed such a grumbling attitude?
- The place of grumbling was called Massah and Meribah. We may not be able to find it on a map but we know what happened there. What Massah/Meribahs have existed in your life? How have you been able to overcome and look beyond those moments to walk forward in God’s faithfulness?
- Psalm 95 catalogues the problems of Exodus 17. Hebrews 3:7-15 highlights the antidote. What is the antidote and why is it so effective?
- What is one way that you have seen God’s faithfulness and goodness on display recently that can encourage someone in your group?