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Sunday (Bulletin)


Order of Worship

March 9, 2025

Call to Worship
May the Grace of Christ, Our Savior

Praise and Thanksgiving
What Wondrous Love Is This
Scripture Reading | Psalm 99:1–5; Psalm 99:9
Here I Am To Worship

Offertory | In Christ Alone

The Word
Children’s Sermon
Learning the House Rules | Exodus 20:1-17

Response and Going Out
Praise To The Lord (Joyful, Joyful)

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Lent: New Habits

Lent marks the 40-days leading to the Easter Sunday and the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. During the season of lent we intentionally recall our own mortality and wait upon the Lord for the renewing of the Spirit. We can think of this season similar to Jesus’ preparation for ministry in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). We too should take time to prepare our own hearts and form new habits that will make us more like Christ.

Lent: Challenges

Bad Habits. Take the 40-day season to intentionally cease habits that take your attention away from Christlike behavior or distract you from what matters most. Where you need to repent and seek forgiveness (or even reconcile with someone), be bold enough to do so.

Good Habits. Form new habits that will lead you towards Jesus. Devotional habits, prayer times, media consumption (less?), what you read, how you spend your time (family; church), etc. Don’t just give up chocolate, take on new, long-term habits that will last beyond Lent.

Scriptures to Stand On. In the sanctuary we have sand on the altar representing Jesus’ wilderness preparation (Matthew 4:1-11). When tempted, Jesus trusted the word of God. You are encouraged to write down scriptures that help you trust God and place them in the wilderness. These will be a testimony to all who see them of God’s goodness in all times.

Jesus the Rabbi, the Man, and His People in the Holy Land

We have a special guest coming the weekend of March 22-23. Andre Mubarak, an Aramaic Christian from Israel, will join us for four different sessions on Jesus the Rabbi, the Man, and His People in the Holy Land. This event is free.

  • Friday, March 21 | 7-9 pm | Christians of the Holy Land
  • Saturday, March 22 | 9-10:30 am | Jesus as a Man – Historical Jesus
  • Saturday, March 22, 10:45-12:15 am | Jesus as a Rabbi – Spiritual Jesus
  • Sunday, March 23, 10:15-11:00 am | Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem after October 7th
  • Full schedule with descriptions

2024 Scripture Recap

See the top scriptures that resonated throughout the year here.


Get Connected

We are disciples who make disciples.

Sundays: Join Us After Worship (10:15 am)

Sunday AM

9:00 AM. During Worship.

Offered during worship. It is located on the main level (same as the Sanctuary). Our volunteers are ready for nursery drop-off before the service begins.

When there are no Sunday classes scheduled our nursery workers will also take a break (including during worship). See the schedule below.

First Sunday Together
As a church, we receive communion on the first Sunday of each month. Nursery is available on these Sundays. Families are encouraged to worship together, wiggles and all. During Communion, we offer grapes for the kids who are not yet receiving communion so they can participate in a meaningful way.

Children’s Worship
For kids ages 3 through second grade. Offered the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. We want kids to join us in worship, after the offering, children are invited to a separate area to learn about worship with age-appropriate lessons. Children’s Worship Worship runs from September through May.

Children’s Sermon
Offered on the 3rd Sunday of each month during worship. Children of all ages are invited to the front for a special message related to the sermon text.

Sunday AM

10:15-11:00 AM. After Worship.

Birth to 3 Year Olds
Nursery is available whenever we have Sunday school.

Preschool – 2nd grade
Begins by the piano in the Fellowship Hall (downstairs). Singing, then age-appropriate Bible lessons.

Intermediate (3rd grade – 5th grade)
Lower-level classrooms.

Middle Schoolers/Confirmation (6th – 8th grade)
Class in the Chapel. The Story of Scripture: The Old and New Testament.

High Schoolers
In the Youth Room (lower level). This year will include topics such as: counterfeit gods, names of God, God’s provision, integrity, Jonah, and walking with God when things hurt.

Adults Sunday School
Meets in the Café/Parlor. This fall will include topics from Revelation, Love Mercy/Do Justice, Malachi, and some Boring History Stuff with Pastor Evan.

Sunday Schedule

Breaks are good.
Here’s when they occur.

These are the dates we will not meet for all Sunday morning classes. This includes the nursery. If there is no class, our nursery workers will also take a break that Sunday (including worship).

March 9Break (No Classes)
April 20Break (No Classes)
May 25Break (No Classes)
June, July, AugustBreak (No Classes)

Midweek Options

Middle School Youth Group
Youth Room. 6:00-7:15 PM.

Women’s Bible Study
Café/Parlor. 9:30-11:00 AM

Camp Pinecone
Kindergarten-First Grade. 6:00-7:15 PM

Camp Evergreen
2nd-5th Grade. 6:00-7:15 PM

High School Life Group
7:30-8:45 PM.


Prayer Meeting
Café/Parlor. 7:00-8:00 PM.


AM Men’s Bible Study
The Eatery (Offsite). 8:00 AM.

Life Groups

Various Days
Various days. Sign up here.